Wednesday, June 20, 2007



Who knew 3 simple words thrust out so much pain and misery? They do. Monday thru Thursday the YW in my ward have been walking to prepare for the Table Rock Hike on July 19-20 of which i don't get to go on. Thank the leader for that one. Anyways, every day we walk a different distance, and in our hiking boots nonetheless. I'll admit that i haven't gone alot..haha.. more like i haven't gone much at ALL. I think i've only gone 5 times. Anyways, today i did the library story time and it was annoying. We had to sit on a bench in the middle of the sand(which I HATE SAND!) and i wore my stupid Crocs. Yea, dumb, right?!? I think if they could've seen all the sand in my shoes they would've written me a ticket for stealing all their sand. It was terrible. Then it was in the mid to lower 80 degrees Farenheit. yea, it was a killer! Plus my mom had to take my uncle to the doctor so that he could get some tubes in his ears(yuck!) it was NASTY. Anyways, i'll get my profile done some more and have some cool stuff on it!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Summer Story Hour

Every Wend. the local library puts on a reading day, where practically every child in the community under the age of 11 is there. Last week, there probably was over 100+ kids who attended. This week was not so fantastic! we probably had 75 or so kids, 2 of which were my nieces Sydney and Sarah. Last year i was looking for something to do that would look good on a resume, when i decided i wanted a job(like, right now!) So i called the library up after seeing a "Help Wanted" in my churches newsletter, and asked if they needed any help. Since last summer, i have helped them with the Story Hour and it has been fun! Today my niece sydney was going to get a tooth pulled at the dentist at 1p.m. so she came to the library at 10:30 with me to the story hour. She had so much fun, as did her sister sarah. I will have to take some pictures of what it looks like every week, it's hecktic!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hey, this is my(chelsea's) blog, or as i will call it, my online journal. Feel very privledged to see this, cuz this is the only place you will see it. You will come to find that i don't ofter write alot, or i write tons and it is full of scrambled, complete nonsense. You'll see. Enjoy!

Family(left to right) Top: Kendall, Christy, Bailey, Jesson, Jeremy, Nikki, Joe. Middle: Chelsea(me), Mom, Dad, Tiffany. Bottom: Sarah, Conner, Sydney